Términos y Condiciones

These Terms and Conditions are applicable to the online Services provided by Correntoso Lake & River Hotel (hereinafter called the “Hotel”), through any mobile device, e-mail or telephone, in compliance with the Consumer Protection Law 24240 and any other applicable rules in force. The access, visit and/or use of the Hotel Website or any of the applications available through platforms and/or any booking request, shall imply customer’s awareness and full consent of these Terms and Conditions, as well as the Privacy and Personal Data Protection Policies herein included.
Through this Website, Rio Correntoso S.A. offers an online platform whereby the Hotel provides details about the hotel services rendered, as well as a full description of the additional and/or complementary services. Rio Correntoso S.A. is liable for the accuracy of the information about the services provided in its own Website; likewise, the Hotel is also responsible for updating rates, availability and other data that may appear in such Website.
These pages, its contents, structure, infrastructure and the Service of Online Booking rendered through this Website (the “Service”) belong and are managed and provided by Rio Correntoso S.A. The structure, infrastructure and/or management of the booking service platforms are provided by Sabre Corporation, who is the provider of such Service. Thus, Rio Correntoso S.A. is fully exempted from any type of liability for damages due to errors (such as manifest and typographical errors), interrupted connection (temporary and/or partial connectivity drops of the Server, repairing, updates and maintenance of our Website or any other causes).
The Services offered are for personal use only, non-commercial. Thus, the resell, deep-links, use, copy, monitoring (for instance: spider, scrape), disclosure, downloading or reproduction of the contents, information, software, products or the Services available in our Website for any commercial or competitive activity is strictly forbidden.

1. Information – Characteristics of the Services rendered

The Hotel offers accommodation services, as well as additional services such as restaurants, swimming-pool, gym center, Spa, saloons for the conduction of events and childcare service. These services are described including location, commodities, rates and special offers. This information is provided in the Hotel Website.

Likewise, the Website provides a platform with information about Service availability, booking and reservation confirmation, data modification and the procedures for reservation cancellation.
There is a Customer Service immediately available for all customers provided by online Representatives to answer customer inquiries.

2. Reservation Conditions

Reservation conditions for accommodation in the Hotel are fully described in our Website; such conditions may be amended at any time.
Nevertheless, the following conditions are mentioned hereinbelow:
• Accommodation for children under the age of 2 (cradles) is free;
There is a special rate for children under 12, according to the information provided in the Website. Up to one (1) additional bed is available for each room.
Additional Services:
• Use of SPA and swimming-pool: Children under 12 must be accompanied by one adult. Spa and pool hours: 8:00 a.m. until 6:00 p.m.
• Gym center: available for guests over 16 years old.
• Pets are not allowed in the hotel.
• MARTÍN PESCADOR: available for all ages.
• PUERTO CORRENTOSO: available for all ages (opened in summer only)
• BELLUNO: available only for guests over 12 years old.

3. Reservation cancellation and no show
In case of cancellation of any reservation or no show, the following conditions shall apply:

• Up to 30 days prior to the arrival date, cancellation shall be free of charge, with the exception of “non-refundable” bookings.
• Up to 10 days prior to the arrival date, 50% of the full accommodation rate shall be charged.
• Within 10 days prior to the arrival date, or in case of no show, 100% of the full rate shall be charged.
Reservations may be cancelled via e-mail at info@correntoso.com; or by telephone: 005448030030, from Monday to Friday – 9 a.m. – 6 p.m. (Argentine local time). Cancellation requests shall only be effective after the Hotel has received the corresponding communication through the above mentioned means. Otherwise, the customer must proceed as if reservation had not been cancelled.

4. Rates
All rates shown in the Hotel Website are indicated per room and per night, and they include V.A.T. or other taxes (which are subject to amendments), unless otherwise indicated in our Website or in the confirmation e-mail.
Rates are indicated both in Argentine Pesos and American Dollars. Likewise, all rates are end prices and include 21% V.A.T. The Service Municipal Tax is not applicable.

5 . Payment method. Credit Cards
Payments may only be made in person at the Hotel. Credit cards may be used for reservation only. In case Customer fails to comply with any obligation, and subject to these terms and conditions, the charge of such reservation shall not be accepted.
In case the Hotel fails to comply with the provision of the Services, Customer shall be reimbursed with the full reservation amount. Such refund shall be made within 72 hours after receiving customer’s claim.

6. Consumer Defense
Any type of claim or inquiry must be addressed to the Office of Consumer Defense. Toll-free number: 0800-666-1518. Mail: consultas@consumidor.gov.ar
The applicable legislation in force (Consumer Protection Law 24240 and amendments) may be consulted at www.infoleg.gov.ar.
The Hotel is not adhered to any Code of Conduct.

7. Jurisdiction
In case of any controversy, the same shall be settled in the Ordinary Commercial Courts of the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires Province.

1- Purpose of Personal Data Protection Policy
Río Correntoso S.A. shall respect the privacy and shall fully protect the sensitive personal information that may be contained in our files, records, data banks or any other data processing technical means. Rio Correntoso S.A. guarantees the right of honor and privacy of individuals, as well as the access to their information contained in our records. Likewise, the Hotel shall comply with the principles of data protection and privacy set forth in Law 25326 of the Argentine Republic.
This Privacy Statement is herein included to explain the use of the information gathered by Rio Correntoso S.A. in order to allow customers to make informed decisions.

2- Scope of the Policy – Type of information gathered
Río Correntoso S.A. gathers information from Website visitants, guests, customers, employees and providers.
The type of information gathered may include a) Personal Data: information involving individuals or legal entities, such as name, personal and commercial address, e-mail addresses, telephone and fax numbers, birth dates, sex, information related to room preferences, recreational activities, names and age of children and any other information that may be useful to satisfy customers of Rio Correntoso S.A.; b) information related to the use of the Website, communication preferences, trip destination, data regarding accommodation, promotions and surveys.
Río Correntoso S.A. advises against including information related to credit cards in customers’ e-mails, unless required in order to make a reservation or a transaction in the Website or in our Customer Service Center.

3- Personal Data Protection Principles

a) Data collection and use
The information gathered may be used to:
• Complete a reservation or information request;
• Purchase Services;
• Sign in programs;
• Reply to the commercial communication received (example: customer surveys, offers or booking confirmation);
• Satisfy customer’s preferences; complete Service requests or suggestions;
• Provide Services such as the processing of a transaction (for instance: make a reservation, answer an information request or complete the order of a product, issue a purchase order, payment of an invoice);
• Conduct market researches in order to improve the hotel service quality and the additional activities offered;
• Communication activities, advertising or promotional campaigns;
• Comply with obligations in accordance with the Employment Law 20744 and complementary rules; among others.
If required, customers may receive e-mails such as commercial mails, customer surveys, hotel promotions, etc. and/or choose the type of communication they wish to receive. Likewise, customers’ subscription to such mailing may be cancelled by the Hotel through the link provided therein or by requesting the cancellation to the Customer Service Center indicated in the Website.
Customers may, at any time, refrain from providing any type of information or personal data. In this case, customers may experience difficulties or impossibility to process operations that may require such information; for instance, the lack of personal data may hinder booking procedures.
b) Processing and disclosure
The personal information gathered by Río Correntoso S.A. shall be included in the database of Río Correntoso S.A., which is duly recorded in the corresponding Registry, in compliance with the applicable rules in force.
In compliance with the applicable regulations, Río Correntoso S.A. shall neither sell, rent, assign nor transfer, under no circumstances, the data gathered, with the exception of the following scenarios: a) whenever the owner of the data has provided his/her consent; b) whenever necessary, with the purpose of offering products or Services requested by the Customer (for example: a holiday package); c) if required by companies dealing with commercial activities in the name of or jointly with the Hotel (for example: credit card processing, Customer Service, database management services, etc.); d) in order to comply with the obligations established by the applicable legislation and regulations; e) to comply with a judicial order; and f) in case of emergencies involving an individual’s health o property.
Pursuant to the above mentioned scenarios, Río Correntoso S.A. shall disclose information to the extent strictly necessary in order to carry out the specific purpose whereby such information has been required. With the exception of the scenario described in item e) of the previous paragraph, Rio Correntoso S.A. shall provide data under the condition of confidentiality, subject to the provisions set forth in the applicable regulations.

3 – Information – Consent
In compliance with the applicable legislation, Rio Correntoso S.A. agrees to keep Customers duly informed. Thus, Rio Correntoso S.A. may send mails or e-mails, communicate by telephone or by any other media in order to keep Customers abreast of new products and Hotel Services, special offers, events, improvements or any other relevant information that may be of Customer’s interest.
Probably, you also receive correspondence or any other type of communication by carefully selected third parties. You may not accept the sending of these communications, either following the instructions included in our e-mail messages or other type of communication, or contacting directly “Correntoso Lake & River Hotel”.
Our goal is to keep all our guests, visitants, employees and providers duly informed so that they may take advantage of the benefits offered by “Correntoso Lake & River Hotel” and its strategic commercial partners.
In all cases, the owner of the data must previously provide free, express and informed consent, whether written or by any other similar media, according to the circumstances.
In the following cases, consent shall not be necessary:
• Data may be obtained from sources of unrestricted public access.
• Information is gathered in order to exercise the functions of the State powers or to comply with a legal liability;
• Information involves listings containing only names, national identity documents, tax or social security details, occupation, birth dates and addresses;
• Information arises from a contractual, scientific or professional relationship of the data owner, which is necessary for its development or compliance;
• Information regarding financial entities and data received from their customers, pursuant to the provisions set forth in Section 39, Law 21526.
Nobody is obliged to provide sensitive personal data (information disclosing race or ethnicity, political opinions, religious, philosophical or moral beliefs, trade union membership and information referring to health or sexual life). Nevertheless, Río Correntoso S.A. shall be able to request such information in case there are reasons of general interest authorized by law, for statistic or scientific purposes and/or whenever the identification of the data owners is impossible.

4- Personal Data Confidentiality

In order to safeguard sensitive personal information, Río Correntoso S.A.’s employees are obliged to comply with:
a) The document called “Commercial Conduct of Rio Correntoso S.A.”, which defines the ethical principles for the management, report and use of information; protection of confidential information; provision of a full, fair and accurate disclosure in all communications sent by the Company to employees;
b) Section 10 of Law 21526, which establishes the obligation of keeping the professional secret, even after finishing the relationship with the data owner. Those obliged to respect the secret shall be relieved from such duty only in the case of a judicial order and/or whenever there are justified reasons involving public security, national defense or public health.

5- Personal Data Security

Río Correntoso S.A. is constantly checking and improving the rules and procedures of technical, physical and logical security.
In the Website and property servers of Río Correntoso S.A. there are security measures to protect the information against any accident, loss, wrong use, illegal or unauthorized access, disclosure and alteration while the information is under Río Correntoso S.A.’s custody.

6- International Personal Data Transfer

Río Correntoso S.A. has taken appropriate measures to ensure the protection of personal data against the international data transfer in those cases where the security level may be inappropriate, except the scenarios established in Section 12 – Personal Data Protection Law 25326:
a) International judicial collaboration;
b) Exchange of data for medical purposes, if required for a patient’s medical treatment, or an epidemiologic research, provided that the terms of Subsection e) of the previous section are duly complied with;
c) Bank transfers or Stock Market transactions, pursuant to the applicable legislation;
d) Whenever the transfer has been agreed under the terms of an International Treaty in which the Argentine Republic is a party thereto;
e) Whenever the purpose of the transfer is the international cooperation between Intelligence Agencies, in order to fight against the organized crime, terrorism and drug trafficking.

7- Direct Publicity

Río Correntoso S.A. shall be entitled to use personal data which may be appropriate for publicity or direct sale and other similar activities, in order to establish determined profiles for promotional, commercial or advertising purposes; to establish consumption habits, if contained in documents of public access or have been provided by data owners or have been obtained with the prior consent of the data owner.
Those documents containing personal information of guests, customers, providers or employees, as well as the Hotel direct publicity, is in compliance with Regulation 10/2008 and Regulation 04/2009, issued by the National Bureau of Personal Data Protection.

8- Right of Access, Amendment and Deletion of Data Owner

Río Correntoso S.A. shall amend and update personal data at the request of the data owner and, if appropriate, shall delete or classify such data as confidential information. Likewise, Río Correntoso S.A. shall amend, delete or update the personal information of the party concerned, within a maximum period of five (5) working days after receiving the data owner’s claim, or once the error or inaccuracy has been noticed. During the process of revision and amendment of the error or inaccurate information, Rio Correntoso S.A. shall block access to the database and inform that the same is subject to revision.
Data deletion shall be unfeasible, and Rio Correntoso S.A. shall be unable to delete it, if this action may damage the rights or legitimate interests of third parties, or if there is a legal obligation to keep such data, or due to technical restrictions, or financial or legal requirements.
The access right is free of charge and may be exercised by users every six months, unless user provides a legitimate interest that may require a shorter period of time.

9- Contact Information

If you wish to update your information, modify communication preferences or cancel your subscription to the commercial mailing sent by “Correntoso Lake & River Hotel” in the future, or for inquiries and/or requests, please contact us at:
Customer Service: (54)(11) 4803-0030
Abroad: +54 11 4803 0030
Fax: (54)(11) 4803-0030
3351 Presidente Figueroa Alcorta Avenue – Loft C011
C1425CKM – Autonomous City of Buenos Aires. Argentine Republic

10 – Privacy Statement Amendment

Río Correntoso S.A. may amend this Privacy Statement, if appropriate, due to regulatory changes or according to the needs of our customers, guests, providers and employees.

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